Sunday, October 11, 2009

Busy to be Bored?

Its 2 am in West Lafayette. I cannot sleep a blink, i have already slept enough during the day. I feel like going out to have a coffee. But the 3 degrees outside doesn't seem to make that happen.

Its finals week. Last year this time i remember cramming the whole week and just waiting to be done. And here i am feeling like done even before i start. Feels like just another week that has to pass and exams are a routine that would just happen.
I still remember my 3 am mornings when i could just sit and read, until i am done and feel fresh for the early morning nap. Just explore music till mornings or so busy gathering thoughts that i just dont fall asleep. I feel like disabled to do that again. This life at school has put me ahead in few things but pushed me back in things i used to enjoy. I am feeling hard to even get back.

Its just time to take a break and read a book. At least better than filling that 100th job application at 2 am.


Sathya said...

u r jus in d line, becoming a manangement grad, life after this wud b d same... :)

Goli said...

I guess just a phase, which will pass and you would see some spark very soon. Maybe some niggling uncertainty in life. I have realized that uncertainty drains lot of energy and leaves you not busy and bored.. :)