Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Trivial but significant Realizations

When i work hard on something, put all my efforts and positive energy towards it and i succeed, its good. If i dont, its even better. I realize there is more to learn from failures than success and failure doesnt mean incapability , its jus that i have a much better purpose to serve elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

This reminded me of a quote i wrote.
but what ever it is KEEP WALKING!

KNP said...

This makes me remember my own quote based on my experiences "Time does not stop at one. Life waits for none. Time just carries on and Life has to move on."

And anytime, any place, any situation, what you said just fits in perfectly.And I see it as the Beauty of Life. If we were successful at the first try itself all the time, then I guess we would now have been on this wonderful place.